Friday, June 19, 2009

Cherry Wine Recipe. Great Recipes for making Great Cherry Wine At Home.

Make Cherry Wine.
Great Recipes for making Cherry Wine At Home.
How to make different cherry wines.

Cherry wines are some of the best fruit wines you 
can make.It does not really matter what kind of 
cherries you use, just make sure they are fresh 
and ripe cherries. With all the cherry trees 
growing around the US, you need to get out and 
pick some cherries for some great tasting wine.

• 5-6 Pounds Fresh Cherries
• 2 Pounds of White Sugar
• 7 Pints Water
• 1/2 Tsp Tannin
• 2 Tsp Acid {citric acid)
• 1/2 Tsp Pectic Enzyme
• 1 Tsp yeast Nutrient
• 1 Pack of Red Wine Yeast (any yeast will work)

Follow Classic Wine Making Fermentation Procedure
Found in our "Basic Section" Link Below:

TAGS: wine, winemaking, homemade, recipe, recipes, instructions, cherry, cherries, sweet, sour, bing, black, morello" [wine making] [cherry wine recipe] [cherry wine]

Monday, June 15, 2009

Homemade mango wine recipe. Make great tasting mango fruit wine at home.

Homemade mango wine recipe.

Make a great tasting mango fruit wine at easily at home.

Mango Wines are growing in popularity today.
The mango flavor really comes through in this  homemade wine. Great for summer parties.
The wine will finish a golden color. It is one of our most popular fruit wines.


• 3-4 pounds peeled Mangos

• 2.5 pounds white sugar

• 1 gallon water (distilled is best)

• 1.5 tsp. acid blend

• .5 tsp. pectic enzyme

• 1 tsp. yeast nutrient

• 1/4 tsp. tannin

• 1 packet white wine yeast


1. Cut mangos into small chunks and smash them with a potato masher.
2. Follow classic fermentation procedure. (See our basic articles)

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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Free Blackberry Wine Recipe. Easy to make homemade blackberry wine recipes.

Great Blackberry Wine Recipes. 
Easy to make homemade blackberry wine recipes.

White Castle blackberries by road 2007 sep 22 n

Please check out our other free wine making articles.
Get started making great wine today.

• 5 lb blackberries (fresh is best)
• 2.5 lb granulated white sugar
• 1 gallon water
• Packet of red wine yeast 
OPTIONAL nutrient, 1/2 tsp pectic enzyme, 1 crushed Campden tablet.

Follow classic fermentation procedure. (See other articles on wine making basics.)
1. Primary Fermentation 7-14 days.
2. Secondary Fermentation 30 days.
3. Bottle for 6-12 weeks.
4. Drink before 2 years.

If you like that wine making article try this Mango Wine Recipe:

[wine making] [make wine at home] [blackberry wine]

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Wine Making Kits: Inexpensive Implements in Making Wines. A Great OVerview of Wine Kits.

A Intro to Making Wine at home:
A Quick Overview of Wine Making Kits for the Home Wine Maker.

Wine Making Kits: Inexpensive Implements in Making Wines


Author: Jean Kokus

Wine, which is one of the major types of alcoholic beverage, is considered by a lot of people to be beneficial to our health. Studies show that it decreases the chances of heart disease, kidney stones, and diabetes. The other two major types of alcoholic beverages are beer and spirits. Beer is generally fermented at a minimum of two weeks and aged for another two weeks and have alcohol content of four to six percent. Spirits, which are essentially unsweetened, are alcoholic beverages that are distilled at the end of a prolonged period of fermentation and aged again over a long period after the distillation process. They usually have alcohol content of at least twenty percent. Wines, which are considered as libation fit for gods, are fermented and aged for months or years and have nine to sixteen percent of alcohol content. Wines, either drank or used in cooking, complement the taste of most dishes of European and Mediterranean cuisines. They are known for their wonderful aroma and exquisite flavor. Most wines are expensive but with wine making kits of your own, you could make and enjoy them without shelling out much money!

History of Wine Making

The practice of wine making could be traced back to 6000 BC in Mesopotamia, 7000 BC in China, and 4500 BC in Europe. Wine makers used amphorae and similar implements as storage and fermenting vats. The favorite raw materials of the ancient worlds in making wines were grapes and rice. Archaeological finds include wine making kits that differed from one culture to another. Its history is closely linked with agriculture, which was the provider of the raw materials, and with cuisine or the art of food because wine was served in banquets and ordinary meals and were even used as ingredients in food to improve taste. Even the New Testament cites Jesus Christ breaking bread and drinking wine with his disciples. Bacchus, the Roman god of agriculture, fun, and theater, is even portrayed as a wine lover. In recent history, wine drinking became a status symbol because it symbolized refinement. Christianity on the rise popularized drinking as a non-barbaric act. Contemporarily, people who drink wine are perceived to be sophisticated, cultured, and moneyed.

A View on Vintage Wines

Among wine drinkers, vintage wines are considered as royalty. They are made from grapes that are unique because they are picked only during a particular time in a year. Longer periods of aging make the wine made out of the especially picked grapes taste better and acquire greater value in the eyes of wine lovers. The production of vintage wines is not limited to established producers, you could even make them using your own wine making kits.

The Process of Wine Making

Wines may be produced using grapes, apples, berries, barley, rice, and ginger. The process basically involves the following phases:

▪ Pressing of the base material such as grapes

▪ Fermentation of the raw material extracts with yeast

▪ Aging of the fermentation

▪ Separation of the dead yeast and other sediments from the fermentation

▪ Chilling of the strained fermentation

▪ Chilling and bottling

At home you may do these tasks and love them doing using inexpensive wine making kits that you could buy online. For better quality and prices, search for The Grape and Granary. Enjoy your wines even before you drink them!

About the Author:
The inexpensive way of making wine at home with wine making kits is presented by

Article Source: - Wine Making Kits: Inexpensive Implements in Making Wines

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Home Made Concord Grape Wine Recipe. Simple wine recipe you can make at home.

Home Made Concord Grape Wine Recipe. 
A Easy and Simple wine recipe you can make at home.
This makes a good starter recipe for the beginner.

This is a classic simple home made wine.
Great as a table wine.
Great for cooking also.

• 12 Cups Crushed Concord Grapes (fresh from grocery store)
• 4-6 Cups White Sugar
• 1 Teaspoon Yeast Nutrient
• 4-6 Teaspoon Fresh Lemon Juice (for acid)
• 1 Campden Tablet
• 1 Pack of Wine Yeast (red wine yeast)

IMPORTANT: Make sure all items used are CLEAN!

1. Mash all the concord grapes making sure to break all of the grape skins, as this allows the juices to escape.
2. Place crushed grapes into primary fermentation device.
3. Add 12 cups of warm water.
4. Add all other ingredient except for the yeast to the primary fermenter.
5. Let sit overnight. This releases the chemicals in the tap water that hinder fermentation of the wine.
6. Add yeast to one cup of warm water with two spoonfuls of sugar. Let this sit for three hours.
7. Add yeast mixture to ingredients in the primary fermentation device.
8. Add airlock.
9. Stir vine mixture once every day for a week to ten days.

After a week of primary fermentation it's time to start on secondary fermentation.
1. Filter off all of the primary wine. Run it through a strainer. Be sure to squeeze out as much of the juice as you can.
2. Attach a airlock.
3. Let stand for 1 month.

The last phase is bottling of the home made wine.
1. Siphon off the top of the wine trying not to disturb the yeast at the bottom. Siphon into a collection tub.
2. You can filter the wine through a coffee filter to remove must of the floating yeast.
3. Fill bottles and cork.
4. Let stand minimum of two months.

Make wine at home, Homemade wine, Wine Recipes, Wine kits, Concord Grape Wine.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Wine making basics. A Glimpse At Making Wine

A Glimpse At Making Wine

Author: Patrick Carpen

Most wine manufacturers will agree, and will tell you straight to the point, that grape is most preferred fruit when it comes to manufacturing wine. Of course, there are other fruits that do a great job of producing high quality wine...such as berries. But when you consider the almost equivalent amount of acid and sugar in grapes, unlike other fruits, you know you just can't go wrong.
There are mainly three categories of wine - fortified, sparkling, and table. One some occasions, a bit of brandy is added to enrich the alcohol. When this is done, the wine is dubbed "fortified" wine. When the CO2 in wine is of a significant level, making it fizzy, it is called "sparkling" wine. Champagne is an example of sparkling wine. The most distinct form or category of wine is called "table" wine. This is wine in its natural form. 

Most people in general prefer to make their wine with grapes. This is because grapes are known to contain an almost equivalent amount of acid and sugar?a feature that isn't found in any other type of fruit. The drying of grapes to produce wine requires a great amount of heat. When using grapes for wine production, knowing the exact harvest season is critical. Picking the grapes out of season will cause your wine to suffer due to increased level of sugar and lack of acidity. The grapes or other fruit is crushed by a large cylindrical container that will deflate the juicy parts of the fruit into large bags. 

In fermentation the yeast present will convert the sugar into alcohol. The wine starts to develop a buttery flavor as the sugars break down into alcohol. The next stage in wine manufacturing is "settling". This is the stage where the yeast cells or any other type of material flow near the top of the wine. Filtration is then applied and all sediments are gathered on the filter. Some people do not consider filtering necessary in wine making. 

Next, what we refer to as "aging" begins. The wine is packed in sealed containers with no air contacts for months, or even years. After aging, the wine is transferred into smaller bottles. It is then shipped and sold. The wine is bottled in a way that makes it easy to tell what type of wine it is. Wine is bottled in colored bottles to reduce the risk of oxidation, damage, and several other complications. Labels on the bottles indicate the manufacturer and brand of wine.

Once bought, storage of wine is a critical factor in its safekeeping. Wine is best kept in cool damp places such as the basement, underground cellar etc. Wherever you store your wine, do remember that the desired temperature is 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Fluctuating temperatures are hazardous to the keeping of wine. A 60% humidity level is desired to keep the cork moist. Too low a temperature is a risk factor for safe storage of wine as well. Remember, wine that is properly stored and taken care of is a truly amazing drink.

About the Author: The Platinum Recipes Collection, located at lists thousands of recipes in hundreds of categories. Patrick Carpen is the developer of this website Article Source: - A Glimpse At Making Wine

Wine making, Make wine at home. Homemade wine, Wine Recipes.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How To Make Wine. Basic steps to making wine at home.

Wine Glasses, Decanters, Wine Gift, Wine Refrigerator, Homemade wine, Make Wine, Vino, 

This is a great article on the basic steps to making wine at home.

How To Make Wine

Author: Caroline Silverstone
Many times a wine lover is not content just buying wine anymore and wants to get into the process of making it. Making wine is not too difficult. It does take time and patience, though.

In order to make good wine you have to be willing to wait for it to age. To make wine making a bit easier, it helps to buy one of the many wine making kits on the market. You can find these kits in many different places online and in stores.

Using a kit you can use the following steps to make your own brand of wine. Perhaps you will one day introduce your brand to all your wine connoisseur friends and everyone will love it. You will be the new wine expert and get all the glory for producing a magnificent specimen. Or you may just enjoy it all alone in your kitchen over dinner with your special someone.

Of course, it's also likely that you will learn more about the process of making wine and begin to really be able to appreciate everything that goes into producing your favorite bottle. You will also be able to discuss wine with a knowledge that most of your peers may not have.

Step One: Preparation

Start by sanitizing the tools you are going to use. Clean the area where you will be making your wine. Make sure that the area is 70 degrees at least in temperature. Prepare the fruit you will be using by straining and pressing, if necessary. Also, gather all your tools and supplies.

Step Two: Fermentation

Mix the glucose solids with the water and pour in other ingredients according to the kit you are using. All should go into the fermentor. This prepares what is called the must. Now add in the flavor and stir it well. Check the temperature, which should be at 75 degrees. Add the yeast by sprinkling it on top and do not stir it in. Seal the fermentor. The mixture should begin to bubble in 2 days if everything is on track. Let it stand for 2 weeks.

Step Three: Second Fermentation

Transfer the mixture and add in the next ingredients according to your kit. Add more water and let it sit for 12 days.

Step Four: Clearing

Siphon the wine to leave the sediment in the bottom. Add the sulfates and sorbates. Stir it at least 6 times in the next 24 hours to help remove carbon dioxide. Add in the remaining ingredients, if any. Let it sit for 10 days to settle.

Step Five: Bottling

Siphon the wine again to remove more sediment. Also, filter the wine and bottle as desired using whatever method of seal you desire. Be sure the seal is tight and kept moist if using cork. Store your wine in a proper storage area to age.

You can enjoy your wine whenever you desire, but remember the longer it settles the better it ages and the more refined the taste becomes. After tasting your wine for the first time, you may want to make notes of flavors and smells or anything else you may wish to change in the future when you make wine. If you have any problems be sure to figure out the source before making another batch.
About the Author:
An excellent resource to find out best
wine gift and wine glasses. The website also provides great info related to decanters and where to get the best wine refrigerator from. Article Source: - How To Make Wine 
Wine Glasses, Decanters, Wine Gift, Wine Refrigerator, Homemade wine, Make Wine, Vino,